Come summer I do fancy a margarita. A good margarita. And, let's get this out of way, not a frozen margarita.
We do not discuss Slurpees here.
Real drinks do not give you brain freeze. Nor are they sucked through straws.
Besides, more often than not, all that shredded ice is there to hide the skank of bottom-scrapper tequila.
And we should all know by now, boys and girls, that every drink starts with the booze.
Tequila often gets a bad rap. One's first experience with it typically involves the application of peer pressure, something soon to be regretted and the licking of salt off your arm (or, optionally, someone else's person). There's not so much sipping involved as there is a brisk throwing back. But tequila is some complex hooch and it makes the margarita.
For a margarita, I start with clear tequila, known as blanco or silver. This is unaged and sweeter, purer than it's golden cousins. Tequila picks up color when it's aged in barrels. Not a bad thing in itself, but this adds a woodsy, scotch-like taste that doesn't sit well in margaritas. These are your sipping tequilas. They aint for body shots.
Second, make sure your tequila is 100% agave, if for no other reason than I cannot tell you what inferior brands make up the difference with. There's a reason wine bottles don't say, "100% grapes."
Third, your tequila should in no way be affiliated with Sammy Haggar. This has more to do with principal than anything else. Why buy your tequila from an aging B-list rocker if you don't have to? And you don't have to. Buying his tequila may also unwittingly lend support to more Van Halen reunions. So be part of the solution, not the problem.
I happen to like Patron Silver, but anything that meets the above criteria should do the trick.
Next, let's talk triple sec. This is just an orange liqueur and you would be wise to upgrade to Cointreau or, if feeling frisky, Grand Mariner for a little quality control.
Lime juice will hopefully be fresh if not squeezed from actual limes. These are green in color and available wherever produce is sold.
The rest is just mechanics people. Play with the ratios depending on how "refreshing" you would like your margarita to be. Try a 2:1:1 ratio and tinker from there.
Salt to taste.
You may have it on the rocks or chilled in a fancy glass.
Notice how I did not reference Jimmy Buffet once. Take meaning in this.
Second, make sure your tequila is 100% agave, if for no other reason than I cannot tell you what inferior brands make up the difference with. There's a reason wine bottles don't say, "100% grapes."
Third, your tequila should in no way be affiliated with Sammy Haggar. This has more to do with principal than anything else. Why buy your tequila from an aging B-list rocker if you don't have to? And you don't have to. Buying his tequila may also unwittingly lend support to more Van Halen reunions. So be part of the solution, not the problem.
I happen to like Patron Silver, but anything that meets the above criteria should do the trick.
Next, let's talk triple sec. This is just an orange liqueur and you would be wise to upgrade to Cointreau or, if feeling frisky, Grand Mariner for a little quality control.
Lime juice will hopefully be fresh if not squeezed from actual limes. These are green in color and available wherever produce is sold.
The rest is just mechanics people. Play with the ratios depending on how "refreshing" you would like your margarita to be. Try a 2:1:1 ratio and tinker from there.
Salt to taste.
You may have it on the rocks or chilled in a fancy glass.
Notice how I did not reference Jimmy Buffet once. Take meaning in this.
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